 Homeschool Group
  Junction City, Oregon

I believe that there is no better outlet for kids and parents than being involved in the arts. From the time our kids are tiny, we get them on the stage! Poetry recitation night, country reports, choir, talent night, and theatre are some of the ways we encourage our kids to step out of their shell and shine. 


The sky is the limit when it comes to class ideas. We meet on Fridays for enrichment classes and activities. If you enjoy doing something, chances are your kids and their friends will too.  Every family is encouraged to share their gifts with the group by teaching a class or leading an event. 

Field Trips & Events

We love to experience the world and all of its goodness. Navigators go on at least one field trip every month and enjoy many events throughout the year. Making memories is our game. Have an idea for a cool adventure? Drop me a note and we'll get it on the calendar! 

The Little Mermaid